Welcoming the New Year 2013 “Email Ishtyle”

A few years ago, I used to keenly await the new year and being able to open up my email to see a lot of emails from my friends, wishing me a “Happy New Year”. (It used to be new year cards that my father would receive from his friends, this got lost in the advent of phone calls and later phone calls had been replaced by eMails.) P.S emails first contained text, then got replaced by eGreetings ;) Now after the advent of Social Media, all my deluge of emails have been replaced by a single status in various social media, (Its not that I am complaining, I really like this). Now nobody can complain about the lack of getting in touch and wishing us. However, here is what I want to say to all those Spam’sters and Phisher’s who still managed to flood my inbox. Here goes….This post is an individual reply to all those folks who have still managed to send me a personal email and making my New Year Day One FUN .