
Showing posts from 2024

The Benjamin Buttonization of Jason Holder

 It has now been sometime since I watched the Brad Pitt movie 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' and while I was watching the recently concluded West Indies versus England test match series, I was time and again looking at this Tall and By no means lanky lad. Yup, Jason Holder. Time and again my mind went to thinking of the Brad Pitt movie. He has started old, continue to be old, I reckon he will only get better and younger when he reverse ages in his old age. Jason Holder and his consistent selection has been a big wonder for me. Oh how the mighty fell, Oh how the mighty tend to stick onto those whose potentials are guaged more than their actual outcome. Jason Holder fits that bill to a T. Every time a commentator refers to the lad as a West-Indian Quick, A huge smile comes on my face, even though Jason is 6' 7" tall, he cannot bowl quick. Medium pace is also a misnomer, batsmen regularly charge at him. His long levers do not enable him to hit sixes like how a Bra

Randomization in Clinical Trials

  Randomization in Clinical Trials is the process of assigning clinical trial participants to treatment groups. Randomization process gives each participant a known (equal) chance of being assigned to any of the groups. Successful Randomization requires that the group assignment cannot be predicted in advance. Randomization is one of the cornerstones of clinical trials, ensuring unbiased and reliable results. By randomly assigning participants to different treatment groups, researchers can minimize the influence of confounding variables and achieve comparable groups. This process enhances the validity of the trial outcomes, enabling a clearer assessment of the treatment's true effects. Randomization also helps in balancing known and unknown factors among the groups, thus increasing the robustness of the data. Now what would an article be without some code.. so here goes Below is an example of a simple randomization algorithm in Java that allocates participants into two groups, A

A thought on Software Architecture in Clinical Data Management.

In today's fast-paced healthcare environment, the implementation of robust Clinical Data Management software(CDM) is a possible game-changer. CDM systems transform the way healthcare providers collect, manage, and utilise patient data, thereby leading to improved patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. Components of a CDM could be integrational points of various medical data sources (IOT, Interoperability), providing a centralised platform for managing patient health information (accurate and up-to-date patient records, enabling and suggesting providers to make informed decisions by subtle prompts) both web-based as well as mobile-based. By leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, CDM can analyse vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and trends. A possible architecture could leverage microservices architecture. Each microservice handles specific functionalities, allowing for independent updates and maintenance without disrup