Dasavataram.... A Kamal Hassan fiesta all the way

Yipee said my mind and body, heart and soul, another Kamal Hassan movie after a loooong time. And off I went, all those mixed reviews in my head, And whats my verdict, Dasatavaram Rocks !!!! Its a Kamal Hassan Fiesta all the way. A concept so finely weaven by the Master himself, that blends ancient day history, present day biological warfare and the devastating events of the Tsunami to hit the shores of Tamilnadu , all in all its a movie worth watching. The film starts off with our protagonist delivering a speech to a packed (albeit computer graphical) crowd about the sequence of events that have occurred in the past. Georgie Bush, yes the president of the US of A has a fund set up for getting a deadly biological weapon, and a University in the states is creating this deadly virus. The person in charge of the project is Govindaraj ( Kamal sans any add ons ). Slowly the effects of the virus is seen and the head of the institution gets greedy and wants to sell the virus out in...