Dasavataram.... A Kamal Hassan fiesta all the way

Yipee said my mind and body, heart and soul, another Kamal Hassan movie after a loooong time. And off I went, all those mixed reviews in my head,
And whats my verdict, Dasatavaram Rocks !!!! Its a Kamal Hassan Fiesta all the way.

A concept so finely weaven by the Master himself, that blends ancient day history, present day biological warfare and the devastating events of the Tsunami to hit the shores of Tamilnadu, all in all its a movie worth watching.

The film starts off with our protagonist delivering a speech to a packed (albeit computer graphical) crowd about the sequence of events that have occurred in the past.

Georgie Bush, yes the president of the US of A has a fund set up for getting a deadly biological weapon, and a University in the states is creating this deadly virus. The person in charge of the project is Govindaraj (Kamal sans any add ons). Slowly the effects of the virus is seen and the head of the institution gets greedy and wants to sell the virus out into the terrorist/bad men black market, A professional ex-CIA hitman(kamal again) is hired to polish off all the people who oppose this, and suddenly our hero is bang in the middle of it all.

A freak mishap results in the virus being shipped to India, and then follows a series of sequences, at break neck speed, the eternal good-versus-evil.

Does our hero win ? Is the world going to be safe ? Are biological weapons the new WMD's, go watch the movie to find out.

Go watch this movie just of the following
* no attempt at a love song between the hero and the leading lady
* Kamal's sheer personality
* The Tsunami effect
* good editing that doesn't let the script loose pace
* a pukka commercial venture that links together episodes of the past, least we forget them


Anonymous said…
Neat review mate :) Haven't watched it yet, because I don't think it's out here on DVD....hopefully it'll come out soon.
I'm going over to read your mussange maathu review next :)

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