A few rounds of Anthakshari

It's been eons since I typed in this blog and Lo Presto !!! a neat oppurtunity has sprung across.
Just as FYI, I have participated and organized many Anthakshari competitions, I have also be a pro MC pertaining to Anthakshari in a couple of get-togethers.

I've kick started an initiative to have an Anthakshari competition at my current Company, Its going to be in our National Language Hindi and here are my shots at what the various rounds of Anthaksahri that can be there. (P.S I am not the team that is going to host the show, this is a sincere attempt at different rounds, So in case you know a few different rounds, please do go ahead and add them as comments)

1. Normal Anthakshari... Sing a song, Start a new song with the end-ing letter.
2. Double Anthakshari ... Sing a song, Start a new song with the ending letter, only caveat here is that the word with which you commence the song must be repeated immediately after the first time its uttered.
3. Word Anthakshari ... A word will be given, the word should come in the first line of the song.
4. Word Anthakshari Redux ... Start off with Normal Anthakshari, sing the next song with the word which has been the last word of the song previously sung.
5. Work Anthakhari Redemption... Start off with Normal Anthakshari, sing the next song with any word that is present in the song sung previously.
6. Title Round... Given the name of a picture sing the title song of the movie.
7. Duet Round... Normal Anthakshari, the only caveat here is that the song must compulsorily be a duet
8. Duet Round with Actors...A song will be sung, a team has to identify the pair on whom the song is picutrized and sing a song that features either of the pair with another star.
9. Situation song... A situation will be described, an apt song has to be song for the same.
10. Last First Letter... The first letter of the last word of the previously sung song
11. Music/Dhun Round... The orchestra will play a familiar tune, we have to guess the right song and sing it
12. Initial music round BGM round... The starting bit of music of the song will be played on a comp/player, the team has to guess the song and sing the song
13. Mid music round... A bit of music from the middle of the song will be played, the team has to guess the song and sing the song from the start
14. Question round... This is the toughest, any arbitary question can be asked and the team has to sing a song as an answer.
15. Visual round.. A song will be played minus the sound from anywhere in between, the team has to guess the song and sing it from the start
16. Male Solo Song round.. Similarly to normal anthakshari, but only songs that are picturized on Solo hero'es are allowed
17. Female Solo Song round.. Similarly to normal anthakshari, but only songs that are picturized on Solo heroine'es are allowed
18. Item Song round.. Only item songs are allowed
19. Antara-Mukhda... Sing a middle piece of a song, and the team has to identify and sing the starting of the song.
20. Mukhda-Antara... Given the starting of a song, sing the middle paragraph of the song
21. Mix'n'Masala... Given a pairing, for e.x Singer-Actor, Actor-Actor, Actor-Actress, Music Director-Actor, Music Director-Director, etc sing a song
22. Only God is original rounds... Sing songs that have been copied from other languages
23. Desi Bottle Videsi Daaru... An english sentence will be given, a meaningful Hindi song that is appropriate to the meaning of the english sentence will have to be sung.
24. Zoobido.. A song from a movie will be played, team has to sing another song from that movie
25. Clue-do... A set of clues will be given, if the team guesses the song from clue #1 30 pts, if the team guesses the song from clue#2 20 pts, if the team guesses the song from clue#3 10 ots.

Do drop in your comments, I hope to add onto this list.



Murthy Kavali said…
Hi Manu..itz nice and very informative :)

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