A basic introduction to Markdown

A basic introduction to Markdown

Being an old school fella, in most of my dealing with code-versioning systems(Clearcase, SVN and  CVS), 
I used to keep references of what each folder did by thinking  of good-old names of what each folder and file within did. Sometimes  in order for me to take care of boiler-plates or other known issues or  improvements, I would go ahead and maintain a README.txt.

Starting a few months ago, my interactions with git and git based code started increasing a lot, and over there I started looking at  README's with an extension of .md, this piqued my interest a few  weeks ago and I started reading up more on this and this blogpost is  the culmination of what I've understood

md an introduction

md stands for markdown which is a lightweight markup language that contains formatting all done via plain text. And when hosted in git, appears  in a convienient html format which is easy to read. (I now understand how the details of the project appear in formatted html as soon as I scroll down)

More about a md (basic)

Md can easily display headers, italic words, bold, well the list goes on.... and on.
Md takes the first preference to generate the git's html summary over other extensions.
So what can I do to style (a.k.a cheat sheet)
Heading:         This line is a heading
Sub heading:         This line is a sub-heading
Headings: # H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
Paragraphs: Blank line or enter key
Line breaks:           followed by enter key
Blockquote:  > This line is a blockquote
 >> This line is a nested blockquote
Italic text:          *This line is written italized*
Bold text:  **This line is going to be bold*
Both of the above:          **asterisks and _underscores_**
Strikethroughs: ~~This feature is no longer present.~~
Unordered list: - Unordered sub-list-item1.
- Unordered sub-list-item2.
+ Unordered sub-list-item3.
* Unordered sub-list-item4.
- Indented item#1
- Indented item#2
Ordered lists:         1. Ordered sub-list1
2. Ordered sub-list2 (you actually dont need to do a 2, but let it be)
1. Indented item#1
2. Indented item#2
Blocks of code: Four spaces or one tabspan
Eight spaces or two tabspan when you want code in a list item
Images: ![Star wars Yoda](/assets/images/yoda.png)
Hyperlinks: [Star wars Yoda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoda)
Email id':          
Emphasize: **[Star wars Yoda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoda )**
To learn more about the extended syntax check this link out Extended Syntax
Here are the references that I referred to while typing this out


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