My bit to save mother Earth

This week saw the debut of a Green week at the place I work, Some of the material I type in is infact thoughts from like minded people on the initiative to reduce Global warming, pollution.
I just hope that some of you who do manage to read this, get inspired by what I have put in.

Let us save Mother Earth so that our children can have a better tomorrow.

A few points where in you and I can make a huge huge difference

1. Shut down/ Switch off all the electronic appliances that you dont use
2. In case you are using a computer do switch off your monitors when you are about to leave your desk.
3. Either listen to the Radio or watch T.V dont do both at once
4. Maintain a strict vigil while you are charging your cell phone, switch off as soon as it is completely charged.
5. Use your cellphone until the battery reaches almost the end of its power balance
6. Do not charge your phone daily, unless the battery is dead
7. Carry re-usable bags while you go shopping, in case you dont have one search your house throughly, you will get one.
8. Avoid taking polythene bags from the stores you go to.
9. Car pool.... it really helps
10. In case you have company transport use it, will help avoid you driving in Bangalore
11. Make a consicous decision not to use any vehicle of yours for atleast 1 day in a week
12. In case you still have that old bicycle of yours, now is the time to get it and start pedalling
13. In case you have a petrol run 2 wheeler and you are stuck at a traffic signal, turn off your engine in case there are more than 30 seconds to go, (beleive me your mileage will improve)
14. In case you are driving a 2 stroke bike, think of a 4 stroke bike
15. Reduce clutch riding, netural cruising is also fun
16. In case you have a car that runs on petrol/deisel and you are stuck at a traffic signal, turn off your engine in case there are more than 60 seconds to go.
17. In case you notice a fire that has the stench of plastic or rubber, spare a minute and try douse the blaze
18. Avoid taking tea at your friendly neighbourhood tea stall in plastic cups, tell him that you would prefer them in a glass.
19. Reduce the use of paper tissues in toilets, by having a good old handkerchief with you.
20. Maintain correct air pressure on all your vehicles
21. Ask for e-statements/ emails of most of your bills, like credit cards, mobile phone bills.
22. Switch to CFL lamp bulbs, they might cost a little, but will help bring down your electricity bills

My friends do Educate your friends and family.

Here are a few URL's go thru them for more


Dwarak said…
Excellent post!!! Will surely try following as much as i can!..
Anonymous said…
Hey bro, found your blog by accident :) didnt know you'd started blogging. Really nice posts, like the one on Devegowda too... keep at it :)- Didu

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